Daniel Volovets (200???)

I close my eyes to the images behind them
I travel the globe in the silence of a song
I sip here my tea and project into another place.
A graceful place,
A romantic time.
Where magic and passion come together to make everyone’s dream
The combined power of a population of ‘what ifs.’
Transcending subconscious imaginings.

Tuesday 6/23/09

Milling about.
I want to know where they’re all headed
from my discreet latte’d perch.
needs more sugar.
I disturb the elderly with their shopping carts.
The midmorning is a queer time of day,
the young and the old merge,
unadorned by the teenage cesspool.
I listen to the dull music
softly blaring,
there is no tension in my body,
from my discreet latte’d perch.


Abate 6/10/09

Halt –
No crossroads here.
I could go back to where I couldn’t pick,
To where signs were plentiful.
Choices, not so adamant.
The sordid simplicity of smitten smiles,
Serrated on marble.
Bernini’s own, reduced to ashen marble graves,
Where not even the dead lie.
The booming sets off an inward cringe, the salty dew of sorrow
Touches the fog clouded view of a faraway park,
Where laughter sounds more like
The edge of my vision looms,
As well as my consciousness.


Enigma 6/13/09

The lilacs rotted in the tree while the lilies rose splendidly from the ground.
The roots from the tree, they strangle me. With stability.
And I wish I could trample you, lovely flower, were it not for your wrenching beauty.
So rot I remain, where stability is key.
Where I could once have bloomed from the uncertainty of the ground,
Close to the thorns from the rosebush,
The prickling roses, drunken with colour.
I used to listen to the songbird,
It sang sweetly, drinking out the rusted bowl.
Now I remain deaf, unsure as to whether it was better to rot stability in the ever returning tree or risk the colour of the trampled lily.


Apology 6/17/09

I dreamt of you last night,
a vivid, whirling pool of emotion.
I asked you if you hated me,
we were laying on the grass,
the stars were out, washed away by the lights of the school.
You said, ‘I do, but I understand.’
I was mesmerized by your competence,
jealous of your understanding.
I wanted your kiss.
‘Your tongue said no, but your wild eyes, your heart and body said yes. I understand.’
I wanted your kiss, to take for my own where nothing else was.
It was all ‘was.’
We spoke, hushed voices in the dewy grass while you explained your hurt.
It felt better to hear you say it –
you hated me.
I breathed.
The dream was so vivid,
I wished for your kiss.
Remind me, rewind me.



By advertising in society today!

I stumbled upon this gem while walking through the mall…

Who are they to tell us what our appeal is or is not?

Why are we defined by their make believe standards?

I know it is hard, but I choose to love myself today. I hope you do, too!



(Therapy)eutic Park Bench

Birds, the sound of blue eternity.

I lie on a park bench,

Homelessly reborn –

Homeful reincarnate –

The sun hits one side,

The shade hits the other,

My book lies open, ready to be read.

Passionate, forgotten,

But loved nonetheless.

Accomplishment in every sheet –

Every rip a memory,

Every work painstaken,

Every number a climb to the top,

To the end,

To the start,

Just like me.
