Ode to Chocolate

I entered this into an “Ode to Chocolate” poetry contest and won! A whole bunch of chocolate!

Ah, but how to repay the debt I owe to chocolate?
Milky, nutty, fruity or dark,
My sweet-toothed soul sister, my culinary heart partneress.
Chocolate, even the word falls sweetly from the mouth, silken edible poetry.
And how can the world repay their debt to chocolate?
She brings fondue friends together over fruit and melted bliss, lovers intimate, children’s faces smeared with cocoa-laden joy –
She is the sweetened glue of lives held together with lip-smacking satisfaction.
She is the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges of the pods pulled from Theobroma cacao trees,
She is the pungent artistry of pulp fermenting beans while sweltering heat waves the air,
She is the taste bud tangible beauty of nature who rears her,
And she is mine – for a price.
A price I am always willing to pay to unite chocolate and I in holy consumer matrimony.


Any thoughts?